Friday, November 27, 2009

Exodus 20:12
  • Respect your father and your mother, and you will live a long time in the land i am giving you.
  • Obey your father and your mother, and you will have a happy and loing life.


I must pay attention to my father, and not to neglect my mother when she grows old. invest the truth and wisdom, disclpline and good sense, and don`t part with them. I must respect them and make them truely happy by living right and showing a good model to everybody. I must make them proud of me. I should also be proud to have them in my life!!

I could really say that I am the very lucky daughter in this big world to have a perfect family that everybody wishes for! :))

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

You tuck me in, turned out the lights
kept me safe and sound at night
little girl depends on things like that

brushed my teeth and comb my hair
had to drive me everyday
you were always there when I looked back

you had to do it all alone

make a living
make a home
must have been as hard as it could be
and when i couldn`t sleep at night

scared things wouldn`t turn out right
you would hold my hand and sing to me

caterpillar in the tree
how you wonder who you`ll be

can`t go far but can always dream

wish you may
and wish you might
don`t you worry hold on tight
I promise you there will come a day

butterfly fly away

you`ve been waiting for this day

take those dreams and make

them all come true..

butterfly fly away..

I Love you always Dad & Mom :))


Facebook - The King of Social Networking

Facebook's rise to fame can be attributed to its founder Mark Zuckerberg's personality as a meek and yet intelligent geek fresh out of college has somehow been embedded in facebook. And so it quickly drew the young crowd. With its fun features, eventually became a force to contend with in the social networking arena. You've read about it's history. You've read how Zuckerberg has catapulted Facebook into fame. But what really is in facebook that makes it click with social networking fans?

Simple, Vibrant and Clean Homepage

The no-nonsense Facebook homepage emits an air of friendliness. The very accesible features that have grown steadily through the years were enough to make you stick with using it. Once you get to connect to a lot of your friends, sharing photos, updates and fun stuff with each other - that's when you know you've been FACEBOOKED.

Aside from its design, its the value added, plain old fun features of Facebook may keep you glued to the site. Whether you are posting to a friend's fun wall or creating a photo album for all the rest of your contacts to view, facebook is robust, fast-loading website with powerful interactive features. Add in the ability to customize your pages with Facebook "apps", and the site becomes entertaining.
Facebook is considered as the GOOGLE of social networking sites, and it would be so hard to displace it from its current position.

High School Vs. College

As I stood up and threw my hat in the air, I realized it was finally over. I had sat in that chair as a student of Holy Child Academy Pagadian City Phil. the same title I had held for the past four years of my life. I stood up from that chair, as a graduate from HCA. The crowd was clapping and cheering. It was a memorable moment for everyone. I might not have personally known each, and everyone of these people, but we all had a long history, and today was probably the last day I was ever going to see them. I started walking towards the gate. I looked down at what was in my hand; it was a small green book (my little scrap book, pictures of my friends). I opened it. The inside held my ticket out of high school, my diploma. In my head I wished I could have handed it back and said “Nah, I’ll stay a few more years.” At the end of my senior year, I learned that life is short, and to not take it for granted.

My freshman and sophomore year went by so fast I don’t even remember much of it. I just remember telling myself that I was going to be here forever. I was a quiet kid. I had long hair,. I had a small group of friends, and I never really did any sports, but extracurricular activities ahm... yes, I am the past Vice President of our Campus but Im a little bit shy girl .. I guess you can say I was your typical nerdy kid. I started playing this game called tamaguchi. This game ruined almost half of my high school career. I would go to school, and I would sleep in all my classes because the night before I was up late playing this game. I never did anything besides play this game. I would rush home and play until I had to go to sleep. This game was more addictive than surfing the net.. Some nights I was up until five in the morning, meaning I would be getting roughly a little less than two hours of sleep if I had to wake up for school the next morning. If I could go back in time, I would go back to the moment where I first looked at that game, and punch myself in the face repeatedly until I swore to myself that I would never buy it.

Highschool was the best four years of my life. I got in a lot
of trouble in thoses years, but also had a blast. Now at ASIAN TOURISM INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE it is so different than high school, and my eyes are being opened
to a whole new world. In you can get away with just about anything.

ATI College is a whole different story.

High school begins at eight o'clock, and ends around 5 pm whole day long writing n our activity sheets. You go to the same seven or eight classes every day. You also see the same people you have grown up with since you were little. You have sports season, school dances, after school activities, clubs, boys, plays, and a ton of homework. Also sitting through assemblies, dress codes,and who could forget getting sent to the office for misbehaving.

College is a whole new step. You go away to an environment all new to you. You have to leave your friends, and set out to make new relationships to last a lifetime. It is an emotional step a lot
of kids are not ready for. You no longer have mom and dad to be at your side to help you through your every problem. You now have to become responsible and rely on yourself, and your new friends. You are introduced to new things such as parties, alcohol, drugs, and sex. You also can decide to take the step of joining the Greek Club and pledging to a sorority or fraternity. Your classes in college are based around whatever you are majoring in so you only attend those classes. You need to really take college seriously because you are building steps to your future, and what you will be doing the rest of your life. You can schedule your classes when they are convenient for you, and you have to live on campus for the first few years. You can go to class when you feel like it, and not have to worry about mom and dad nagging...
..I've just entered my 1st step in college I know that this is a very important year. I have a lot of decisions to make and not much time to make them. These decisions will either make or break my life, and I want to make sure that I make them to the best of my ability because there is no turning back. I need to make sure I definitely want to attend college. The decision is totally up to me. There are many positives and negatives of attending college. Go over them, and then decide. I know myself better then anyone else, and I won't let anyone else tell me what to do. I will make sure if I am going to attend college that I have something in mind that I will want to do, to succeed in. Choosing a major can be a very stressful situation so why not sit down and take some time to do it? Be creative, don't rush, give yourself plenty of time and really think about what interests you in life.!

Missing my High school Friends so much.. :(( High School life is even better than college..

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Enjoying the teenage life

Be Happy

Count your blessings! As a teenager, you are in that enviable stage where everything is positioned to go your way. You are young, full of energy, you feel like you are invincible, totally carefree and becoming freer and more independent.

Unless you are living in a developing country, you probably don’t have to think about things like where to get the next meal, how to make ends meet, or where to sleep for the night.

Your greatest pre- occupation, aside from your studies, would probably be how to get to know that pretty looker or handsome hunk that just moved in town..

Be Healthy

As a teenager you will experience many changes in your body. Boys will develop more muscles, grow taller, etc. Girls will become more rounded, develop their breasts and have menstrual periods. During this growth spurt, it will do you well to learn to take care of your body. Keep yourself clean and well groomed, eat the right diet and remain physically active. What you do now will lay the foundation for your state of health in the future.

Be Wise

Maintain close contact with your parents and older people. As a teen, you will be “chafing at the bit” to be more and more independent. . You will also have a thousand and one questions as you enter this new stage of life. This is the time when you actually need the guidance and support of your parents and older people. Did you know that there was a king who nearly lost his whole kingdom because he ignored sage advice and followed that of his young and inexperienced peers? But that’s another story.

Choose Your Friends

We are social creatures and the need for companionship is most pronounced among teeners. The need to belong, to be” in “is greatest during these years.

The company you keep will have a great effect in your teenage life. Choosing the right circle of friends will save you a lot of troubles, heartaches and possibly a life of deep regret.

There will be a tremendous pressure to pair off and have that special boy friend or girl friend. A teacher once gave this advice to his high school students. “Don’t have one girl friend,” he intoned.“ have MANY girl friends!” Of course he meant for his students not to go steady but rather develop a circle of friends, enjoy the company of different kinds of people and develop important social skills.

Set a High Personal Standard

It is very rare to find young people who set clear definitions and limits on their personal behavior. Whether it be drugs, crime, premarital sex, pornography, alcohol, smoking etc. ,many young people just seem to go along with the crowd. They easily give in to peer pressure.

There may be temporary thrills and pleasures but the end result is always the same- a life of grief and deep regret .It can also be the most tragic and heart breaking for some.

For example , statistics show that suicide is the third leading cause of death among teenagers (roughly 10 per 100,00) after unintentional injury (accidents) and homicide. Setting the right limits on your behavior will keep you away from these avoidable consequences.

Consider these guidelines and enjoy your teen years. Then as these years pass, you can prepare yourself for an equally promising future.


It happens to everyone at one time or another. You walk into a room or up to a table at lunch where everyone had been talking and laughing, and suddenly there’s silence. Or maybe people who are normally nice to you suddenly start giving you funny looks and don’t want to talk to you.

Odds are when this happens you’ve become the target of gossip. Someone started a rumor about you that’s being passed around the school. It’s probably something silly, unbelievable and untrue, but that doesn’t mean it won’t change people’s opinions of you. Sometimes it is true, and that can hurt even more because you probably shared a secret with a friend and suddenly it was all over school.

A lot of gossip has to do with relationship. Someone might start a rumor that you’re secretly dating someone no one likes, or that you’re having sex with a bunch of different people. Other popular rumors have to do with the object of the gossip being poor, overweight, unattractive, bad at sports, having trouble at school, or getting in trouble with the law.

Other teens, in particular girls, tend to focus on the one thing in your life you’re most insecure about and develop the perfect little lie to make you feel horrible when you hear about it. That’s often the point of gossip: to hurt another person’s feelings.

It’s easy to say that you shouldn’t let it bother you when you know people are talking about you behind your back, but it’s a much more difficult thing to actually do that. It is best, however, if you’d don’t try to confront the person who you think started the rumor or try to disprove whatever the accusation was. These tactics will probably just make the situation worse.

If the rumor is so bad you feel the need to defend yourself, try to make a joke out of it. If someone asks you if it is true, laugh it off and say “can you believe (whoever started the rumor) would say such a thing.” You can even try spreading the rumor around yourself by saying “have you heard what (that person) is saying about me? Isn’t that crazy?”

If you can be cool in the face of gossip and not freak out when you hear a story that’s being spread about it, its likely people will stop making up rumors about you. The reaction is the main reason people spread rumors, and having a fit just makes it look like the rumor is true. So stay calm and the rumor will die down quickly.

When Your Friends Spread Rumors

It’s pretty common when friends get together that someone will start gossiping about someone who isn’t there. The rumor might be about a friend or about someone you aren’t close to.

Especially if you have been the victim of rumors, you should be sensitive to the feelings of other people when it comes to such stories. Gossip that stays among friends may seem harmless, but people are notoriously bad at keeping secrets. Odds are what you were saying will get back to the person you were talking about faster than you would believe possible.

Part of growing up is learning empathy, an understanding of how your actions and words make other people feel. It’s not easy to stand up to gossips in your social group, but you might be able to change the subject or make a joke about the person spreading the rumor to break the cycle.

When you’re the Gossip

If you’re the one spreading rumors about other people, take some time to think about how your actions make those people feel. It can be funny to see how people react to the stories you tell about them, but laughter at the expense of another person isn’t right.

Try to keep yourself from starting rumors or talking about other people by taking a minute to think about how you would feel if someone said the same thing about you. If it’s something that would hurt your feelings, odds are it would hurt the other person’s feelings as well.

Also think about what people will think about you when you start a rumor. It’s usually pretty common knowledge who the source of a story was. People might say they think you’re funny, but they are probably really wondering why you feel the need to be mean to other people. Do you really want to be known as a gossip? Someone who can’t be trusted? If not, you might want to change your actions.

Gossiping is a problem for teens and adults alike, and it takes a lot of effort to keep yourself from gossiping or to get people around you to stop. It’s a worthwhile effort, though, sparing a lot of people bad feelings.

What is a butterfly?

butterflies are the adult flying stage of certain insects belonging to an order or group called lepidoptera. Moths also belong to this group. The word "lepidoptera" means " scaly wings" in greek. The name perfectly suits the insects in this group because their wings are covered with thousands of tiny scales overlapping in rows. The scales, which are arranged in colorful designs unique to each species, are what gives the butterfly its beauty.

Butterfly activities

butterflies are complex creatures. Their day-to-day lives can be characterized by many activities. if you are observant you may see butterflies involved in many of the following activities. To observe other activities such as basking,puddling, or migrating, you will need to be at the proper place at the proper time. Keep an activity log and see how many different butterflies you can spot involved in each activity. The information from the individual butterfly pages may give you some hints as to where ( or on what plants) some of these activities are likely to occur.


Spider-man is a fictional Marvel Comics superhero.
The character was created by Mr. Stan Lee and Mr. Steve Dikto.
spider-man was an orphan raised by his aunt May and uncle Ben,
as an ordinary teenager, have to deal with normal struggles of youth.

spider-man's creator gave him super strength and stamina,
the ability to cling to most surfaces,
shoot spider webs using devices of his own inventions
which he called "web-shooters".
And react to danger quickly through his "spider senses"

of course as a super hero he had a lot of opponents like;
Doctor Octopus, Mysterio, Vulture, Sandman,
Electro, Kraven the Huner, Scorpion, Lizard, Rhino,
Shocker and Green Goblin.
Although it doesn't work for his symbiote foes such as venom
and carnage because of his own exposure to the symbiote.

When Spider-Man first appeared in the early 1960s,
teenagers in superhero comic books were usually relegate
to the role of sidekick to the protagonist.
The Spider-Man series broke ground by featuring Peter Parker,
a teenage high school student to whose "self-obsessions with rejection,
inadequacy, and loneliness" young readers could easily relate.

Spider-Man for me is the best superhero ever!