Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Facebook - The King of Social Networking

Facebook's rise to fame can be attributed to its founder Mark Zuckerberg's personality as a meek and yet intelligent geek fresh out of college has somehow been embedded in facebook. And so it quickly drew the young crowd. With its fun features, eventually became a force to contend with in the social networking arena. You've read about it's history. You've read how Zuckerberg has catapulted Facebook into fame. But what really is in facebook that makes it click with social networking fans?

Simple, Vibrant and Clean Homepage

The no-nonsense Facebook homepage emits an air of friendliness. The very accesible features that have grown steadily through the years were enough to make you stick with using it. Once you get to connect to a lot of your friends, sharing photos, updates and fun stuff with each other - that's when you know you've been FACEBOOKED.

Aside from its design, its the value added, plain old fun features of Facebook may keep you glued to the site. Whether you are posting to a friend's fun wall or creating a photo album for all the rest of your contacts to view, facebook is robust, fast-loading website with powerful interactive features. Add in the ability to customize your pages with Facebook "apps", and the site becomes entertaining.
Facebook is considered as the GOOGLE of social networking sites, and it would be so hard to displace it from its current position.