Saturday, November 21, 2009

Enjoying the teenage life

Be Happy

Count your blessings! As a teenager, you are in that enviable stage where everything is positioned to go your way. You are young, full of energy, you feel like you are invincible, totally carefree and becoming freer and more independent.

Unless you are living in a developing country, you probably don’t have to think about things like where to get the next meal, how to make ends meet, or where to sleep for the night.

Your greatest pre- occupation, aside from your studies, would probably be how to get to know that pretty looker or handsome hunk that just moved in town..

Be Healthy

As a teenager you will experience many changes in your body. Boys will develop more muscles, grow taller, etc. Girls will become more rounded, develop their breasts and have menstrual periods. During this growth spurt, it will do you well to learn to take care of your body. Keep yourself clean and well groomed, eat the right diet and remain physically active. What you do now will lay the foundation for your state of health in the future.

Be Wise

Maintain close contact with your parents and older people. As a teen, you will be “chafing at the bit” to be more and more independent. . You will also have a thousand and one questions as you enter this new stage of life. This is the time when you actually need the guidance and support of your parents and older people. Did you know that there was a king who nearly lost his whole kingdom because he ignored sage advice and followed that of his young and inexperienced peers? But that’s another story.

Choose Your Friends

We are social creatures and the need for companionship is most pronounced among teeners. The need to belong, to be” in “is greatest during these years.

The company you keep will have a great effect in your teenage life. Choosing the right circle of friends will save you a lot of troubles, heartaches and possibly a life of deep regret.

There will be a tremendous pressure to pair off and have that special boy friend or girl friend. A teacher once gave this advice to his high school students. “Don’t have one girl friend,” he intoned.“ have MANY girl friends!” Of course he meant for his students not to go steady but rather develop a circle of friends, enjoy the company of different kinds of people and develop important social skills.

Set a High Personal Standard

It is very rare to find young people who set clear definitions and limits on their personal behavior. Whether it be drugs, crime, premarital sex, pornography, alcohol, smoking etc. ,many young people just seem to go along with the crowd. They easily give in to peer pressure.

There may be temporary thrills and pleasures but the end result is always the same- a life of grief and deep regret .It can also be the most tragic and heart breaking for some.

For example , statistics show that suicide is the third leading cause of death among teenagers (roughly 10 per 100,00) after unintentional injury (accidents) and homicide. Setting the right limits on your behavior will keep you away from these avoidable consequences.

Consider these guidelines and enjoy your teen years. Then as these years pass, you can prepare yourself for an equally promising future.